Indianapolis, right in the center of the USA is the location for this week’s interview with Tom Mueller, Vice President of Insects Limited Inc.
The company, started by Tom’s father Dave in 1982, has made a name for itself internationally with its pioneering work with insect pheromones. Tom’s brother, Pete, manages the servicing arm of the business, Fumigation Services & Supply (FSS) Inc.
As Tom explains, “Insects Limited is more the technical wing and looks for non-toxic alternatives to solving pest problems. Pheromones are a big part of this as they are indicative of the presence of an insect infestation.”
While digital monitoring traps are now well known for use with rodents and wildlife, Insects Limited has developed a unique digital, WiFi-powered, monitoring trap for moths with in-built camera. This serves the need of companies who not only want insect information, but also how to solve that problem with the collection of real-time data. This development fulfils the company’s values of innovation and science so as to be educational.
Big food manufacturers themselves, rather than the pest control servicing companies, are driving their use and can now see the benefits and the transparency of the information offered. Despite an initial slow start and some reluctance, growth is exponential, as it is now for all digital products. Auditors are supportive and have written them into their procedures.
As for the future, Tom predicts digital products are gradually changing the world of pest control – away from simple routing and trap checking to charging for the quality of the service.