Ep.26 Digital and non-toxic pest control

In this Talking Pest Management interview we hear about pest control activities in Finland from Lars Schaumann, the managing director of S-Tuholaispalvelut Oy.

Based in Espoo, the second largest city in Finland, Lars is an early adopter of new ideas and is well known internationally for his search of new innovations.

Lars explains how the coronavirus situation has caused him to change his whole way of thinking regarding customer servicing. Namely, how to maintain a good level of service when access is not possible?

For rodent control, the devices provide the control, so does a technician need to be there? The task becomes one of measuring and recording it, so the use of remote digital monitoring and recording devices provides the solution. For the future, he is now considering switching all his remaining analogue clients to digital systems – not just for rodent control, but for all types of pest control.

Non-toxic pest control is increasing, but an interesting method allowed in Finland is shooting. This being particularly effective where rodents have adequate cover and supplies of food, so are not attracted into baited boxes. When shooting, safety is a key requirement. This is undertaken at night when the rodents are active, but can lead to some interesting encounters with the Police, despite advising the authorities in advance!